- Northridge CA, US
Soren Aasmul - Holte, DK
Jesper Svenning Kristensen - Virum, DK
Joseph Hanna - Burbank CA, US
Robert McKinlay - Winnetka CA, US
Medtronic MIniMed, Inc. - Northridge CA
International Classification:
A61K 49/00
G01N 33/66
C08B 37/02
G01N 33/542
C08L 5/02
The invention is directed to a competitive glucose binding affinity assay comprising a glucose receptor (typically mannan binding lectin) labeled with an assay fluorophore and a modified glucose analog (typically dextran) labeled with a reference fluorophore. In certain embodiments, the glucose analog is dextran and is coupled to both a reference fluorophore and a quencher dye (e.g. hexamethoxy crystalviolet-1). Optionally the reference fluorophore is blue shifted relative to the assay fluorophore.