US Patent:
20090202250, Aug 13, 2009
Manuchehr DIZECHI - San Diego CA, US
Leon W. GATENO - San Diego CA, US
International Classification:
H04B 10/00
A universal remote controller having a radio frequency (RF) control mode for generating RF signals for controlling an RF based home automation system and having an infrared (IR) control mode for controlling an infrared based electronic device using IR control signals. Control information input via a user interface is used to generate the IR control signals in the IR mode of operation and is used to generate the RF signals in the RF mode of operation. A control unit controls overall operation of the universal remote controller including the generation of IR signals to control electronic devices with the IR signals. A home automation module is connected to the control unit via a communication interface to generate RF signals to control the RF based home automation system. A display displays feedback information to the user regarding operations for controlling the home automation system.