Professional Records
Lawyers & Attorneys
William Burton Aronstein, New York NY - Lawyer
View pageAddress:
Warshaw Burstein Cohen Schlesinger & Kuh, LLP
555 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10017
(212) 984-7700 (Office), (212) 972-9150 (Fax)
555 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10017
(212) 984-7700 (Office), (212) 972-9150 (Fax)
New York - Currently registered 1949
Brooklyn Law School
Degree - LL.B - Bachelor of Laws
Graduated - 1949
City University of New York, City College
Degree - LL.B - Bachelor of Laws
Graduated - 1949
City University of New York, City College
Corporate / Incorporation - 50%
Securities / Investment Fraud - 50%
Securities / Investment Fraud - 50%
Medicine Doctors
William Seth Aronstein
View pageSpecialties:
Internal Medicine
Sports Medicine
Sports Medicine
Johns Hopkins University (1986)