
Vitaly Boris Feygin

from Saint Petersburg, FL
Age ~67

Vitaly Feygin Phones & Addresses

  • 6495 Shoreline Dr APT 8104, St Petersburg, FL 33708
  • Saint Petersburg, FL
  • 8801 Lake Forest Blvd APT 14104, New Orleans, LA 70127
  • Seminole, FL
  • Jacksonville, FL
  • Houston, TX
  • Saint Augustine, FL
  • Westminster, MD


Company: Bechtel oil and gas - Houston, TX Oct 2012 Position: Principal engineer


School / High School: Kharkow Academy of Transportation 1980 Specialities: MS in Structural Engineering


concrete • steel • foundation • pile foundations • marine structures • tank design • forensic studies • finete element analysis • slope stability analysis • cost estimate.

Professional Records

License Records

Vitaly B Feygin

6495 Shoreline Dr #8104, Saint Petersburg, FL 33708
License #:
65890 - Active
Issued Date:
Feb 5, 2007
Effective Date:
Feb 5, 2007
Expiration Date:
Feb 28, 2019
Professional Engineer

Vitaly Boris Feygin

Seminole, FL 33772
License #:
PE058758 - Expired
Professional Engineer



Vitaly Feygin Photo 1

Vitaly Feygin

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Vitaly Feygin Photo 2

Vitaly Feygin Saint Petersburg, FL

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Bechtel Oil and Gas
Houston, TX
Oct 2012 to Dec 2014
Principal Engineer

Marine and Industrial Consultants
St. Petrersburg, FL
Aug 2007 to Oct 2012
Principal Engineer

Tampa, FL
May 2006 to Aug 2008
Principal Engineer

Kharkow Academy of Transportation
MS in Structural Engineering

concrete, steel, foundation, pile foundations, marine structures, tank design, forensic studies, finete element analysis, slope stability analysis, cost estimate.

Business Records

Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Vitaly B. Feygin
Seminole Family Realty, LLC
6495 Shoreline Dr, Saint Petersburg, FL 33708
Vitaly B. Feygin
Largo Family Realty, LLC
Real Estate Agent/Manager
6495 Shoreline Dr, Saint Petersburg, FL 33708
Vitaly B. Feygin
Jax Family Realty, LLC
6495 Shoreline Dr, Saint Petersburg, FL 33708
Vitaly B. Feygin
Treasurer, President, Secretary
Marine & Industrial Consultants, Inc
Business Consulting Services
7901 Seminole Blvd, Largo, FL 33772
6495 Shoreline Dr, Saint Petersburg, FL 33708


Us Patents

Diaphragm/ Sea Retaining Wall System

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US Patent:
20100239375, Sep 23, 2010
Mar 20, 2009
Appl. No.:
Vitaly Boris Feygin - Seminole FL, US
Margaret Zaslavsky - Seminole FL, US
International Classification:
E02D 17/00
E02D 5/18
US Classification:
405284, 405267
Diaphragm Sea/Retaining Wall System consists of retaining wall that spans horizontally between Deep Beam Diaphragms anchored into bedrock through rock socketed caissons. Deep beam Diaphragm is built of two round column sections that serve as vertical chords of the Diaphragm or as flanges of the Deep beam, and of the concrete web section continuously connected to both round columns.Fixity of the Deep Beam Diaphragm at the bedrock level is provided by embedment of two round column flanges of the Diaphragm into the predrilled rock sockets or caissons. Stiffness of the Deep Beam Diaphragm support and retaining wall reinforcement arrangement allows better force distribution between system elements and makes the system of present invention a most economical solution for difficult geotechnical conditions where large forces of static and dynamic nature has to be efficiently resisted by a retaining wall system. The present invention system is also the most reliable force resisting system for dynamic sign changing loads. The system can effectively resist seismic and static loads as well as large forces of wave action, and can be used for Ocean shore protection. Unique steel pipe concrete cast forms of the present invention and sequence of construction allow quick and efficient installation of the system in the most difficult conditions where top of bedrock elevation can significantly vary along the retaining wall length.

Universal Framed Cofferdam

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US Patent:
20100232878, Sep 16, 2010
Mar 10, 2009
Appl. No.:
Vitaly Boris Feygin - Seminole FL, US
Margaret Zaslavsky - Seminole FL, US
International Classification:
E02D 19/04
E02D 25/00
E04H 12/00
US Classification:
405 14, 405204, 526531
Universal Framed Cofferdam has prefabricated skeletal steel space framing formed from multiple steel vertical pipes and two levels of horizontal diaphragm trusses rigidly connected to pipe columns. Beams of each diaphragm truss are attached to vertical pipes of the framing with rigid moment connections creating a rigid space frame of the perfectly round form that is used as a false work of the Cofferdam. Wales of the Cofferdam and short pieces of the flat sheet piling are attached to the vertical pipes forming a skeleton of the Cellular structure. The Skeleton of the Universal Framed Cofferdam is prefabricated in the convenience of the Dry Dock and than floated to the site. Buoyancy of the framing allows Cofferdam skeleton transportation without using the barge or otherwise necessary floating devices. Once brought to the site of installation Cofferdam skeleton is installed vertically in position and leveled on the bottom of the river bed. If necessary river silt can be jetted and pumped out of pipe annular space and pipe columns of framing can be simultaneously lowered in position by using vibro—hummer. After space framing installation, rock sockets are predrilled through the annular space of vertical pipes and rock anchors installed. Sheet pile skin of the Cofferdam installed between pipe columns concludes Cofferdam Can erection. Universal Framed Cofferdam Can than filled with compacted gravel and becomes a Hybrid Gravity Caisson/Columnar water front or marine structure that has the best features of the Conventional Cellular Cofferdam and of Columnar Dolphin structure. It has enhanced sliding and overturning stability provided by Rock anchors preloaded by Cofferdam granular fill and has effective mechanism that prevents concave or convex surface of rupture failure that may be suffered by conventional Cellular Cofferdams, and has mechanism that more effectively resists deep surface sliding failure of the Cofferdam base.
Vitaly Boris Feygin from Saint Petersburg, FL, age ~67 Get Report