Ward E. TeGrotenhuis - Kennewick WA, US
Victoria S. Stenkamp - Richland WA, US
Battelle Memorial Institute - Richland WA
International Classification:
US Classification:
55319, 55324, 55423, 55484, 95 52, 95267, 95268, 95273, 95286, 96408, 96414, 96421, 21032175, 21032184, 261104, 261110, 261128, 261153, 261154, 429 26, 429 37, 165 60
Methods of separating fluids using capillary forces and/or improved conditions for are disclosed. The improved methods may include control of the ratio of gas and liquid Reynolds numbers relative to the Suratman number. Also disclosed are wick-containing, laminated devices that are capable of separating fluids.