Thomas Edward Kitsmiller - Chattanooga TN
International Classification:
E01C 700
A hot-mix motorized paver is used to deliver fresh pervious pavement mix to form one or more lanes of pavement. The paver is supported on ski-type support runners on parallel side forms. A compacting roller is connected to the paver and rolls along the top of each side form to compact the fresh pavement down to the top of the forms. Indentations are cut into the fresh compacted pavement by rolling a hand powered roller, containing a pointed hoop, across the fresh pavement at select locations to form expansion joints. The pavement is covered with polyethylene sheeting within 20 minutes after completion of placement and finishing, the sheeting is removed after a curing time of approximately seven days, and a concrete saw is used to remove excess pervious pavement that extends beyond the desired paved area.