
Susan Kayar Phones & Addresses

  • Portland, ME
  • 5947 Valerian Ct, Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 231-0684
  • North Bethesda, MD
  • 11 Domingo Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87508 (505) 467-8329
  • 23 Morning Breeze Ct, Silver Spring, MD 20904
  • Gaithersburg, MD
  • Buda, TX
  • 11 Domingo Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87508 (240) 888-7188


Position: Professional/Technical


Degree: Graduate or professional degree


Us Patents

Intestinal Hydrogen Removal Using Hydrogen-Metabolizing Microbes

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US Patent:
63289598, Dec 11, 2001
Dec 30, 1998
Appl. No.:
Susan R. Kayar - Gaithersburg MD
Meyer J. Wolin - Delmar NY
Terry L. Miller - Slingerlands NY
The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy - Washington DC
International Classification:
C12N 120
US Classification:
424 934
Some people suffer from pains in the abdomen that are due to excessive H. sub. 2 gas produced in the intestine. In this invention, microbes that metabolize H. sub. 2 are introduced into the intestine in order to accelerate the removal of the H. sub. 2. The microbes are selected from species that are native to the large intestine of humans or other mammals, and are non-toxic. The end products are either non-gaseous, or significantly smaller volumes of gas than the original H. sub. 2. The delivery of the microbes is accomplished by any one of several means, with packaging of the microbes in enteric coatings for oral ingestion as a preferred means.

Accelerated Gas Removal From Divers' Tissues Utilizing Gas Metabolizing Bacteria

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US Patent:
56304102, May 20, 1997
Jan 4, 1996
Appl. No.:
Susan R. Kayar - Gaithersburg MD
Milton J. Axley - Rockville MD
International Classification:
A61M 1500
A62B 700
A01N 6300
A61K 3902
US Classification:
Decompression from dives using nitrogen or hydrogen as a dilutent gas are accelerated by introducing into the large intestine an enzyme or, preferably non-toxic bacteria from the group that metabolizes hydrogen or from the group that metabolizes nitrogen. The bacteria are encouraged to multiply and feed on the hydrogen or nitrogen (dependent on the gas mixture used in the dive) by metabolizing the diluent gas released into the large intestine and the new product is vented from the large intestine. The metabolism of the hydrogen or nitrogen causes a reduction of the partial pressure of the metabolized gas in the large intestine thereby increasing the diffusion of the metabolized gas from the blood and surrounding tissues into the intestine. The delivery of the bacteria is accomplished by any one of several means with packaging of the enzyme or bacteria in enteric coatings for oral ingestion as a prefered means.

Accelerated Gas Removal From Divers' Tissues Utilizing Gas Metabolizing Bacteria

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US Patent:
59223170, Jul 13, 1999
May 6, 1997
Appl. No.:
Susan R. Kayar - Gaithersburg MD
Milton J. Axley - Rockville MD
The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy - Washington DC
International Classification:
C12N 120
US Classification:
424 934
Decompression from dives using nitrogen or hydrogen as a dilutent gas are celerated by introducing into the large intestine an enzyme or, preferably non-toxic bacteria from the group that metabolizes hydrogen or from the group that metabolizes nitrogen. The bacteria are encouraged to multiply and feed on the hydrogen or nitrogen (dependent on the gas mixture used in the dive) by metabolizing the diluent gas released into the large intestine and the new product is vented from the large intestine. The metabolism of the hydrogen or nitrogen causes a reduction of the partial pressure of the metabolized gas in the large intestine thereby increasing the diffusion of the metabolized gas from the blood and surrounding tissues into the intestine. The delivery of the bacteria is accomplished by any one of several means with packaging of the enzyme or bacteria in enteric coatings for oral ingestion as a prefered means.
Susan R Kayar from Portland, ME, age ~71 Get Report