
Stanley Brohn Phones & Addresses

  • 13715 Hartman Ln, Walker, LA 70785 (225) 328-8072
  • Denham Springs, LA
  • Baton Rouge, LA
  • Pierre Part, LA
  • Fort Sill, OK


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Oil & Energy



Stanley Brohn Photo 1

Sr. Instrumentation Engineer At Exxonmobil

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Baton Rouge, Louisiana Area
Oil & Energy
ExxonMobil (Public Company; IMO; Oil & Energy industry): Sr. Instrumentation Engineer,  (December 2006-Present) Jacobs Engineering (Public Company; JEC; Oil & Energy industry): Control Systems Engineer,  (June 2005-December 2006) 


Us Patents

Method And Apparatus For Displaying Question And Answer Data On Plural Displays

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US Patent:
58428690, Dec 1, 1998
Oct 22, 1997
Appl. No.:
John McGregor - Baton Rouge LA
Ronnie Shaab - Baton Rouge LA
Stanley Brohn - Baton Rouge LA
International Classification:
G09B 500
G09B 700
US Classification:
An electronic device for displaying question data and answer data includes an input device for entering commands, first and second displays, and a processor. The question data is displayed on the first display which is visible to an operator of the electronic device and on a second display which is visible from a position from which the first display is not visible, i. e. , the position of an observer such as a student. The operator can selectively control the displaying of the answer data on each of the displays using commands entered on the input device. Entry of a first command causes the answer data to be display only on the first display so that the answer is visible only to the operator. Entry of a second command causes the answer data to be displayed on the second display so that the observer can also see the answer. In one mode of operation, the question and answer data for many questions is stored in a storage device, and the questions are categorized by level of difficulty or by subject.
Stanley J Brohn from Walker, LA, age ~39 Get Report