
Shuichi Iida Phones & Addresses

  • San Francisco, CA


Company: Analytics department, ngmoco, inc 2011 Position: Analytics engineer


School / High School: university of Tokyo- Tokyo, JP 2005 Specialities: Ph.D. of Mathematics



Shuichi Iida Photo 1

Shuichi Iida San Francisco, CA

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Analytics Department, ngmoco, inc

2011 to 2000
Analytics Engineer

Data Mining Department, DeNA Co., Ltd

2010 to 2011
Data Mining Engineer

Internet Marketing, DeNA Co., Ltd

2009 to 2010
Software engineer


2007 to 2009
Research fellow

Keywalker, Co., Ltd

2008 to 2008
Software Engineer

university of Tokyo
Tokyo, JP
2005 to 2008
Ph.D. of Mathematics

university of Tokyo
Tokyo, JP
2003 to 2005
M.S. of Mathematics


Isbn (Books And Publications)

Ferrites: Proceedings of the International Conference

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Shuichi Iida



Us Patents

Item Name Suggest

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US Patent:
20210357382, Nov 18, 2021
May 6, 2021
Appl. No.:
- Palo Alto CA, US
Manikandan SANKAR - Hayward CA, US
Byong Mok OH - Los Altos CA, US
Yodhavee CHUENBUNLUESOOK - Bangkok, TH
Ankit Kumar BARUAH - Berlin, DE
Shuichi IIDA - San Mateo CA, US
International Classification:
G06F 16/23
G06F 7/02
Described herein are embodiments for assisting in creating a listing for a For Sale Object (FSO). An item name suggestion module receives seller input and provides suggested entries for the listing to help the seller describe the FSO more accurately and consistently. A hierarchical database provides a structure for ordering suggested entries, with the structure ordered based on scores. The scores are based on rules that relate item characteristics and take into account rankings of those item characteristics with respect to one another. Metadata tags that are used by the online merchandise platforms can be identified and included in the listing, even if a seller is not familiar with the metadata tags. The hierarchical database also connects or associates item characteristics in groups that describe specific FSO. The connections can help to optimize search results as the listing is completed by the seller.

User Search Category Predictor

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US Patent:
20210357955, Nov 18, 2021
May 6, 2021
Appl. No.:
- Palo Alto CA, US
Manikandan SANKAR - Hayward CA, US
Byong Mok OH - Los Altos CA, US
Yodhavee CHUENBUNLUESOOK - Bangkok, TH
Shuichi IIDA - San Mateo CA, US
Jeffrey Kenichiro HARA - Santa Clara CA, US
Stephen JOHNSON - Tokyo, JP
International Classification:
G06Q 30/02
G06F 16/957
G06F 17/18
Described herein are embodiments for improving search engine results of listings of For Sale Objects (FSOs). A search engine may be improved by implementing rules that resolve ambiguity between listings for different (FSOs) that match the same search inputs. An unsupervised machine learning module may evaluate candidate rules and identify improvements that may not be obvious to a human evaluator. An ecommerce site that combines the improved search engine with the unsupervised machine learning module may dynamically evaluate search results using different candidate rules and iteratively improve search results.
Shuichi Iida from San Francisco, CA, age ~44 Get Report