
Sarah Lipschitz Phones & Addresses

  • 104 Ross St APT 4N, Brooklyn, NY 11211 (718) 963-3049


Us Patents

Shop E Z Cart

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US Patent:
52035794, Apr 20, 1993
Oct 3, 1991
Appl. No.:
Sarah Lipschitz - Brooklyn NY
International Classification:
B62B 300
US Classification:
280 33991
The invention is a clothes shopping cart that is designed to hold a substantial number of clothing and accessory items for a shopper in department and clothing stores. The cart moves about easily and provides the shopper with the ability to load up the cart with goods as a shopper wheels the cart about through the department store aisles. The clothing shopping cart is designed for ease of parking in conjunction with other carts. The cart uses a U shaped base and a storage space that is oriented to allow the carts to nest with each other. The cart is constructed to permit a substantial number or items to be placed in the cart prior to purchase while allowing for an adequate amount of room between the cart and aisles of the ordinary department store, so that a plurality of cars can move in and about the department store.
Sarah Lipschitz from Brooklyn, NY, age ~90 Get Report