
Ronda Glassmeyer Phones & Addresses

  • Cleves, OH
  • 5809 Cedaridge Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45247 (513) 574-0201
  • Hamilton, OH


Position: Professional/Technical


Degree: High school graduate or higher



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Senior Researcher

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Cincinnati, OH
Consumer Goods
Senior Researcher
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Ronda Glassmeyer

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Us Patents

Absorbent Article Having Perception Of Depth

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US Patent:
7241280, Jul 10, 2007
Sep 20, 2004
Appl. No.:
Patricia Lee Christon - Cincinnati OH, US
Bryan Keith Feller - Sunman IN, US
Ronda Lynn Glassmeyer - Cincinnati OH, US
Rosa Alejandra Hernandez - West Chester OH, US
The Procter & Gamble Company - Cincinnati OH
International Classification:
A61F 13/15
A61F 13/20
US Classification:
60438501, 604378
The absorbent article provides a signal viewable from the top surface of the absorbent article which gives a perception of depth within the absorbent article. This creation of depth perception is accomplished by the use of at least two tones within a color and/or by the use of multiple tones and multiple colors operating together to create a perception of depth within the absorbent article.

Absorbent Article

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US Patent:
7270651, Sep 18, 2007
Oct 18, 2004
Appl. No.:
Dannette ReNee Adams - Independence KY, US
Forrest Timothy Maloney - Mason OH, US
Patricia Lee Christon - Cincinnati OH, US
Bryan Keith Feller - Wyoming OH, US
Ronda Lynn Glassmeyer - Cincinnati OH, US
Rosa Alejandra Hernandez - West Chester OH, US
The Procter & Gamble Company - Cincinnati OH
International Classification:
A61F 13/15
A61F 13/20
US Classification:
60438501, 604378
The absorbent article provides a signal viewable from the top surface of the absorbent article which gives a perception of depth within the absorbent article. This creation of depth perception is accomplished by the use of at least two tones within a color and/or by the use of multiple tones and multiple colors operating together to create a perception of depth within the absorbent article. At least one tone contains a graphic.

Absorbent Article

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US Patent:
7306582, Dec 11, 2007
Oct 18, 2004
Appl. No.:
Dannette ReNee Adams - Independence KY, US
Forrest Timothy Maloney - Mason OH, US
Patricia Lee Christon - Cincinnati OH, US
Bryan Keith Feller - Wyoming OH, US
Ronda Lynn Glassmeyer - Cincinnati OH, US
Rosa Alejandra Hernandez - West Chester OH, US
The Procter & Gamble Company - Cincinnati OH
International Classification:
A61F 13/15
A61F 13/20
US Classification:
60438501, 604378
The absorbent article provides a signal viewable from the top surface of the absorbent article which gives a perception of depth within the absorbent article. This creation of depth perception is accomplished by the use of at least two tones within a color and/or by the use of multiple tones and multiple colors operating together to create a perception of depth within the absorbent article. At least one tone contains a graphic.

Absorbent Article

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US Patent:
7311696, Dec 25, 2007
Sep 22, 2006
Appl. No.:
Patricia Lee Christon - Cincinnati OH, US
Bryan Keith Feller - Sunman IN, US
Ronda Lynn Glassmeyer - Cincinnati OH, US
Rosa Alejandra Hernandez - West Chester OH, US
The Procter & Gamble Company - Cincinnati OH
International Classification:
A61F 13/15
A61F 13/20
US Classification:
60438501, 604378
The absorbent article provides a signal viewable from the top surface of the absorbent article which gives a perception of depth within the absorbent article. This creation of depth perception is accomplished by the use of at least two tones within a color and/or by the use of multiple tones and multiple colors operating together to create a perception of depth within the absorbent article.

Absorbent Article Having Perception Of Depth

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US Patent:
7402157, Jul 22, 2008
Dec 19, 2001
Appl. No.:
Patricia Lee Christon - Cincinnati OH, US
Bryan Keith Feller - Sunman IN, US
Ronda Lynn Glassmeyer - Cincinnati OH, US
Rosa Alejandra Hernandez - West Chester OH, US
The Procter & Gamble Company - Cincinnati OH
International Classification:
A61F 13/20
A61F 13/15
US Classification:
60438501, 604378, 604382
The absorbent article provides a signal viewable from the top surface of the absorbent article that gives a perception of depth within the absorbent article. This creation of depth perception is accomplished by the use of at least two tones within a color and/or by the use of multiple tones and multiple colors operating together to create a perception of depth within the absorbent article.

Absorbent Article

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US Patent:
7537585, May 26, 2009
Aug 20, 2007
Appl. No.:
Patricia Lee Christon - Cincinnati OH, US
Bryan Keith Feller - Sunman IN, US
Ronda Lynn Glassmeyer - Cincinnati OH, US
Rosa Alejandra Hernandez - West Chester OH, US
The Procter & Gamble Company - Cincinnati OH
International Classification:
A61F 13/15
A61F 13/20
US Classification:
60438501, 604378
The absorbent article provides a signal viewable from the top surface of the absorbent article which gives a perception of depth within the absorbent article. This creation of depth perception is accomplished by the use of at least two tones within a color and/or by the use of multiple tones and multiple colors operating together to create a perception of depth within the absorbent article.

Absorbent Article

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US Patent:
7972317, Jul 5, 2011
Jun 24, 2008
Appl. No.:
Patricia Lee Christon - Cincinnati OH, US
Bryan Keith Feller - Sunman IN, US
Ronda Lynn Glassmeyer - Cincinnati OH, US
Rosa Alejandra Hernandez - West Chester OH, US
The Procter & Gamble Company - Cincinnati OH
International Classification:
A61F 13/15
US Classification:
60438501, 604378, 604379, 60438523, 604361
The absorbent article provides a signal viewable from the top surface of the absorbent article which gives a perception of depth within the absorbent article. This creation of depth perception is accomplished by the use of at least two tones within a color and/or by the use of multiple tones and multiple colors operating together to create a perception of depth within the absorbent article.

Absorbent Article

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US Patent:
8105300, Jan 31, 2012
Jun 24, 2008
Appl. No.:
Patricia Lee Christon - Cincinnati OH, US
Bryan Keith Feller - Sunman IN, US
Ronda Lynn Glassmeyer - Cincinnati OH, US
Rosa Alejandra Hernandez - West Chester OH, US
The Procter & Gamble Company - Cincinnati OH
International Classification:
A61F 13/15
US Classification:
60438501, 37838523
The absorbent article provides a signal viewable from the top surface of the absorbent article which gives a perception of depth within the absorbent article. This creation of depth perception is accomplished by the use of at least two tones within a color and/or by the use of multiple tones and multiple colors operating together to create a perception of depth within the absorbent article.
Ronda L Glassmeyer from Cleves, OH, age ~63 Get Report