John A. Woollam - Lincoln NE, US
Corey L. Bungay - Lincoln NE, US
Thomas E. Tiwald - Lincoln NE, US
Martin M. Liphardt - Lincoln NE, US
Ronald A. Synowicki - Lincoln NE, US
Gregory K. Pribil - Lincoln NE, US
Craig M. Herzinger - Lincoln NE, US
Blaine D. Johs - Lincoln NE, US
James N. Hilfiker - Lincoln NE, US
J.A. Woollam Co., Inc. - Lincoln NE
International Classification:
G01J 4/00
Simultaneous use of wavelengths in at least two ranges selected from RADIO, MICRO, FIR, IR, NIR-VIS-NUV, UV, DUV, VUV EUV, XRAY in a regression procedure to evaluate parameters in mathematical dispersion structures to model dielectric functions.