
Rocklund Young Phones & Addresses

  • Idaho Falls, ID
  • 3825 Orchard Cir, Idaho Falls, ID 83406 (208) 830-4061


Position: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations


Us Patents

Nitrous Oxide Injection System

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US Patent:
20040250804, Dec 16, 2004
Aug 2, 2004
Appl. No.:
Rocklund Young - Ammon ID, US
International Classification:
US Classification:
A method for increasing the power output of an internal combustion engine is presented. The increase to the power output of the engine may be accomplished by injecting a pressurized oxygen enhancer, such as nitrous oxide, into the air intake of the internal combustion engine. A portion of the pressure derived from the injection is captured by a pressure port. The captured pressure is delivered to the fuel control device of the internal combustion engine such as the float bowl of a carburetor causing an increased quantity of fuel to enter the engine. A manifold for delivering nitrous oxide or another oxygen enhancer to the air intake of an internal combustion engine is also presented.

Nitrous Oxide Injection System

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US Patent:
20070261685, Nov 15, 2007
Dec 20, 2006
Appl. No.:
Rocklund Young - Idaho Falls ID, US
International Classification:
F02B 23/00
F02B 43/00
US Classification:
123585000, 12300100A
A method and device for delivering a substance stored in a liquid phase and to be used in a gaseous phase is presented. The device includes an inlet configured attachable to a container with the liquid substance. A nozzle is in communication with the inlet and is thermally insulated from the liquid substance by an insulator which insulating the manifold from the cooling effect of the transition of the substance from a liquid phase to a gaseous phase thereby preventing icing in the nozzle and manifold.
Rocklund Young from Idaho Falls, ID Get Report