Carol Moy - Morristown NJ, US
Christine DiVincenzo - Califon NJ, US
Eoin Carey - Cork, IE
Herbert Jaeger - Cork, IE
Robert Servilio - Washington NJ, US
M/A-Com, Inc. - Lowell MA
M/A-Com, Eurotec, B.V. - Amsterdam
International Classification:
H03D 3/24
A phase locked loop includes a buffer that synchronizes the transmission of the new count value to the completion of the previous count to avoid errors caused by dithering. The buffer is connected to a count input of the counter and transmits the new count upon receipt of the carryout signal from the counter. Alternatively, the transmission of the new value of N from the buffer is delayed after receipt by the buffer of a carryout signal from the counter. In another embodiment, a delayed version of the carryout signal is used to trigger the buffer to transmit the new count value to the counter. In another feature, a buffer synchronizes phase data to a reference signal before inputting it to a digital modulator of the phase locked loop.