
Rick Degeorge Phones & Addresses

  • 2560 Ironville Pike, Columbia, PA 17512 (717) 684-4555
  • Lancaster, PA
  • Silver Spring, PA
  • Mountville, PA

Professional Records

License Records

Rick H Degeorge

License #:
RS131858A - Expired
Real Estate Commission
Real Estate Salesperson-Standard


Us Patents

Pallet Slat Salvaging Apparatus

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US Patent:
54675162, Nov 21, 1995
Apr 21, 1994
Appl. No.:
Rick E. DeGeorge - Lancaster PA
International Classification:
B23P 1900
US Classification:
The apparatus is a machine for removing and salvaging end slats from a wooden pallet. At one end of a support table there are several power operated arms which move up and pry the end slat off the pallet. A power operated clamp assembly holds the pallet down tightly against the table, and the arms are constructed with large surface area pads so that neither the pallet nor the slat are subjected to any destructive forces. As the slat is removed from the pallet, the arms pivot down to an angle of approximately 60 degrees to the table so that the loose slat slides down to a location where it can easily be removed for reuse.
Rick E Degeorge from Columbia, PA, age ~68 Get Report