
Raphael Sidelman Phones & Addresses

  • 78 Hartwell Pl, Woodmere, NY 11598 (516) 295-0582
  • Fine, NY
  • Harrisville, NY
  • 299 Park Ave, Lynbrook, NY 11563 (516) 792-6862
  • Westbury, NY
  • Atlanta, GA
  • PO Box 582, Woodmere, NY 11598 (516) 521-1465


Position: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations


Degree: High school graduate or higher


Us Patents

Golf Ball With Imprinted Instructions

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US Patent:
20030054897, Mar 20, 2003
Sep 20, 2001
Appl. No.:
Richard Crici - Lynbrook NY, US
Raphael Sidelman - Woodmere NY, US
International Classification:
US Classification:
473/200000, 473/351000, 473/280000
Any instructional information related to the act of playing the game of golf, provided on a golf ball, by any means, including, but not limited to: illustrations, images, and text, by any method, including, but not limited to printing and/or engraving.

Internet-Based Appointment Scheduling System

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US Patent:
20050027580, Feb 3, 2005
Dec 8, 2003
Appl. No.:
Richard Crici - Lynbrook NY, US
Raphael Sidelman - Woodmere NY, US
International Classification:
US Classification:
Appointment scheduling systems and methods of providing service receivers with remote appointment scheduling capabilities utilizing the Internet. According to one embodiment, at least one service provider, such as a physician, enters a schedule into a computer system showing time slots in which the physician will see patients. This system is linked to the Internet where it is available for viewing by the general public. When a member of the general public accesses the scheduling system, the potential service receiver can view the entire schedule and make appointments. The appointment schedule of the service provider is modified and most preferably, the appointment schedule of the service receiver is also modified. The scheduling system can also maintain the schedule of the service receiver. According to another aspect, in order to schedule an appointment, a service receiver can be required to make some pre-determined payment, for example, via a credit card or a debit card.
Raphael D Sidelman from Woodmere, NY, age ~57 Get Report