
Ralph Ulm Phones & Addresses

  • 55 N Park Ln, Fairfield, IL 62837 (618) 842-2506
  • 55 Park Ave, Fairfield, IL 62837 (618) 842-2506
  • 305 Center St, Fairfield, IL 62837 (618) 842-2506


Position: Production Occupations


Degree: Bachelor's degree or higher


Us Patents

Integrated Fuel System Unit With Two-Stage Marine Fuel Pump

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US Patent:
6397822, Jun 4, 2002
Apr 18, 2000
Appl. No.:
Ralph Ulm - Fairfield IL
Bruce A. Stephen - Fairfield IL
Rodney K. Boutwell - Fairfield IL
Paul M. Meyer - Fairfield IL
UIS, Inc. - Jersey City NJ
International Classification:
F02M 3704
US Classification:
123509, 123510, 123541, 123 25 R
An integrated fuel system unit ( ) comprises a two-stage fuel pump ( ) and fuel filter ( ). The fuel filter is interposed between the first and second pump stages (S S ) so fuel flowing between the stages is drawn through the filter. A spiral-wound fuel line ( ) delivers fuel from a fuel inlet ( ) to the first pump stage. Water is circulated about the fuel line to cool the fuel flowing therethrough. A fuel pressure regulator ( ) in an outlet ( ) of the unit diverts fuel from the engine back to a cavity ( ) in which the filter is housed if an overpressure condition occurs. This fuel is then mixed with the fuel flowing between pump stages. Water also collects in the cavity and a solenoid ( ) controlled water passage ( ) allows this water to be entrained with fuel flowing to the second pump stage for the water and fuel to be mixed together and pumped to an internal combustion engine to be combusted therein.

Marine Fuel Pump And Cooling System

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US Patent:
59080205, Jun 1, 1999
Jul 13, 1998
Appl. No.:
Rodney K. Boutwell - Fairfield IL
Ralph E. Ulm - Fairfield IL
UIS, Inc. - Jersey City NJ
International Classification:
F02M 3120
US Classification:
An integrated fuel system component (10) comprising a fuel pump (52), a fuel filter (30) axially mounted directly below and around the lower portion of the fuel pump, and a spiral-wound fuel line (84) composed of a heat-conductive material mounted concentric to the upper portion of the fuel pump, minimizing the space required for installation. A fuel cooling system encloses the pump housing (70) and the fuel line in sealed chambers (66, 68) through which a liquid coolant is circulated to cool both the fuel pump and the fuel contained within the fuel line. A fuel pressure regulator (104) located between the fuel line and a fuel outlet (100) returns fuel to a fuel reservoir (24) located below the fuel filter, thereby providing a closed loop system. By combining the fuel pump, fuel filter, liquid cooling system, and pressure regulator into a single unit, the integrated unit minimizes vapor lock induced by heat, and optimally houses the fuel system components within a minimal volume of space.

Stand Alone Multi Stage Fuel Pump

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US Patent:
62409042, Jun 5, 2001
Jun 13, 2000
Appl. No.:
Paul M. Meyer - Fairfield IL
Ralph Ulm - Fairfield IL
Rodney Boutwell - Fairfield IL
Bruce Stephens - Fairfield IL
UIS, Inc. - Jersey City NJ
International Classification:
F02M 3704
F04B 300
US Classification:
A two-stage marine fuel pump (10). A first pump stage (S1) has a fuel inlet (24) and a fuel outlet (26). A second pump stage (S2) has a separate fuel inlet (28) and fuel outlet (30). Each pump stage is stand alone such that while the outlet of the first pump stage can be routed to the inlet of the second pump stage, the pump can be otherwise configured. In these other configurations, there is one path for routing fuel to the fuel inlet of the first pump stage and from the outlet thereof, and a separate path for routing fuel to the inlet of the second pump stage and from the outlet thereof. In these alternate configurations fuel pumped from the first stage of the pump is delivered other than to the fuel inlet of the second pump stage, and fuel supplied to the inlet of the second pump stage is delivered other than from the fuel outlet of the first pump stage.

In-Take Fuel Pump Assembly With Unitary Control Unit For Internal Combustion Engines

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US Patent:
59612932, Oct 5, 1999
Jul 29, 1996
Appl. No.:
Robert T. Clemmons - Fairfield IL
Ralph E. Ulm - Fairfield IL
UIS, Inc - New York NY
International Classification:
F04B 4906
F04B 3504
US Classification:
417 442
An in-tank fuel pump apparatus includes an elongated motor-pump unit having a motor and pump unit connected in end-to-end relation. An outer cam has a substantially constant diameter enclosing the motor-pump unit and projecting axially outwardly therefrom and defining a control chamber immediately adjacent the one end of the motor-pump unit. A control tower is secured to the end of the motor-pump unit from which the motor cam extends. The control tower includes a body member having a closure plate abutting the motor pump unit, an outlet passageway extending axially from the motor-pump unit to the exterior of the motor cam, a pressure sensor secured within the body member having an inlet connected to a sensing passage connected to the output of the motor pump unit in an outermost circuit board forming the outermost end of the tower unit. An epoxy resin fills the unit about the several elements between the motor and the outer end of the cam and includes all voids within the tower structure to seal the control components against fuel and support the components as a single unitary assembly above the motor-pump unit. The tower is separately assembled as formed as a separate self-contained sub-assembly mounted within the outer housing and then with an epoxy resin introduced to fill the cavity and support all of the control, power and sensing components as a unitary complete control unit and outlet passage from the motor unit.

Anti-Leak Fuel Pumps For Vehicles

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US Patent:
40169065, Apr 12, 1977
Mar 9, 1976
Appl. No.:
Ralph E. Ulm - Fairfield IL
Airtex Products, Div. of United Industrial Syndicate, Inc. - New York NY
International Classification:
F16K 1508
US Classification:
Federal regulations require certain safety features on road vehicles in connection with leakage from gasoline filled devices, such as fuel pumps, wherein only a certain amount of leakage over a specified time period is permitted in a barrier crash or roll over. The invention herein is particularly directed to minimizing leakage so as to conform to federal regulations insofar as fuel pumps are concerned by modification of existing check valves minimizing retooling expense by providing a backup washer spring pressed over an area of the valve disc so as to apply sealing pressure in a pair of spaced concentric areas on the valve seat. This precludes edge curling of the valve disc and ultimate leakage as well as increasing the wear life.
Ralph E Ulm from Fairfield, ILDeceased Get Report