
Ralph Stichter Phones & Addresses

  • Thornton, CO
  • Brighton, CO
  • Englewood, CO
  • Hiram, MO


Us Patents

Hydraulic Wheel Cylinder Tool

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US Patent:
51828413, Feb 2, 1993
Jan 7, 1992
Appl. No.:
James M. Park - Littleton CO
Ralph L. Stichter - Thornton CO
International Classification:
B25B 2702
US Classification:
The wheel cylinder retainer clip applying tool is a plier-like hand tool with widely spaces angularly related jaws that are oriented perpendicularly to the handles. At the tips of the jaws are opposed cylindrical grippers that are oriented on perpendicular axes. A first jaw is mounted on a spacer which extends outward from a pivot opposite a first handle. A second jaw extends outward from the pivot perpendicularly to a second handle. The second jaw has a semi-cylindrical cradle at its outer end for spporting the wheel cylinder body. The cradle is oriented around an axis parallel to the pivot axis. The first jaw has a high aspect ratio cylinder at the outer end, with a greater length than diameter. The cylinder is oriented at a slight angle outward from a direction parallel with the first handle. The remote end of the cylinder engages a ring of a retainer clip, presses the ring along the cylinder mounting extension and tends to flatten the ring after it contacts the plate, allowing prongs of the clip to ramp outward and then snap inward, locking the mounting extension and the wheel cylinder on the plate.
Ralph L Stichter from Thornton, CO, age ~63 Get Report