
Rabih Chrabieh Phones & Addresses

  • San Diego, CA
  • Menlo Park, CA
  • San Jose, CA
  • San Francisco, CA
  • 345 Sheridan Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94306 (650) 329-1178

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Name / Title
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Phones & Addresses
Rabih Chrabieh
Softwave Wireless, LLC


Us Patents

Multiplexing Different Types Of Data Sequences

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US Patent:
7352774, Apr 1, 2008
Sep 30, 2002
Appl. No.:
Christopher R. Uhlik - Danville CA, US
Douglas C. Dahlby - Fremont CA, US
Rabih Chrabieh - San Francisco CA, US
Arraycomm, LLC - San Jose CA
International Classification:
H04J 3/24
US Classification:
370474, 370476
According to an embodiment of the invention, a method and apparatus are described for data bit sequences. According to an embodiment of the invention, a header is inserted in a data burst. One or more high priority messages of a first type are optionally inserted in the data burst starting after the header. One or more messages of a second type are optionally inserted into the data burst starting at an end of the data burst. One or more low priority messages of the first type are optionally inserted in the data.

Method And System For The Simulation And Management Of The Resources Of A Mobile Telephone Network

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US Patent:
7379740, May 27, 2008
Nov 14, 2006
Appl. No.:
Serge Barbosa Da Torre - Paris, FR
Rabih Chrabieh - San Diego CA, US
Imad Fattouch - Paris, FR
Societe Francaise du Radiotelephone - Paris
International Classification:
H04Q 7/36
US Classification:
455446, 455445
This present invention concerns a method and a system for simulating and optimising the use of resources available in a zone of coverage of a mobile telephone network (RT), characterized, firstly, in that it is implemented by processing resources () of at least one resource optimization system () and, secondly, in that it includes the following stages determination (), by an event management module (EM) of the optimization system (), of a variation, called a disruption, of at least one packet (P) transmission (T) required within the network (RT), from at least one statistical distribution map (CR) held in storage resources () of the optimization system (), and that consists of data representing data packet (P) transmissions (T), selection () of a set of cells determining a simulated zone (ZS), by a resource operating-resources control module (CL), and then use of a routing algorithm in order to determine a routing path (CP) in the simulated zone (ZS) and to successively optimize the resources of the servers (ER) covering the successive cells of the routing path (CP).

Enhanced Frequency Domain Spreading

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US Patent:
7983356, Jul 19, 2011
Jun 29, 2007
Appl. No.:
Rabih Chrabieh - San Diego CA, US
Samir S. Soliman - San Diego CA, US
QUALCOMM, Incorporated - San Diego CA
International Classification:
H04L 27/00
H04J 11/00
US Classification:
375295, 370208, 370210
A system and method are provided for using frequency domain spreading to generate real signals in the time domain. The method supplies a first complex frequency domain symbol (α) and a second complex frequency domain symbol (α), and maps (α+jα) onto a subcarrier (+f). Further, (α−jα)* is mapped onto a mirror subcarrier (−f). The mappings are converted into a complex time domain symbol carrying α and jαin a single inverse fast Fourier transformation (IFFT). The real component of the complex time domain symbol (α) is initially supplied, and subsequently supplied is an imaginary component of the complex time domain symbol (α). The real symbol component (α) is supplied by carrying α on the subcarrier (+f), and carrying (α)* on the mirror subcarrier (−f). The imaginary symbol component αis supplied by carrying αon the subcarrier (+f), and carrying (α)* on the mirror subcarrier (−f).

Receiver Window Shaping In Ofdm To Mitigate Narrowband Interference

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US Patent:
8009750, Aug 30, 2011
Dec 21, 2007
Appl. No.:
Rabih Chrabieh - San Diego CA, US
Samir S. Soliman - San Diego CA, US
QUALCOMM, Incorporated - San Diego CA
International Classification:
H04L 27/28
US Classification:
A receiver window for symbol extraction is provided. A symbol is spread across a plurality of sub-carriers of a frequency band for transmission. If the frequency band is affected by narrowband interference, the receiver window concentrates the narrowband interference energy to minimize its effect on distant sub-carriers within the frequency band. The receiver window is shaped for extracting the symbol from the frequency band, wherein the receiver window has a starting point before the start of the symbol. The receiver window overlaps a previous receiver window for the previous adjacent symbol on the same frequency band. The receiver window is shaped by overlapping and adding a channel impulse response segment from a zero-padded portion of the symbol to the beginning of the symbol and overlapping and adding a second portion from the previous zero-padded symbol (from the same frequency band) to the end of the symbol.

Quadrature Imbalance Estimation Using Unbiased Training Sequences

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US Patent:
8064550, Nov 22, 2011
Sep 11, 2007
Appl. No.:
Rabih Chrabieh - San Diego CA, US
Samir S. Soliman - San Diego CA, US
QUALCOMM, Incorporated - San Diego CA
International Classification:
H04L 27/06
US Classification:
375343, 375141, 375231, 375260, 375267, 375296, 375316, 375324
A system and method are provided for removing quadrature imbalance errors in received data. The method accepts an unbiased training sequence in a quadrature demodulation receiver. An unbiased training sequence has a uniform accumulated power evenly distributed in a complex plane, and includes predetermined reference signals (p) at frequency +f and predetermined mirror signals (p) at frequency −f. The unbiased training sequence is processed, generating a sequence of processed symbols (y) at frequency +f, representing complex plane information in the unbiased training sequence. Each processed symbol (y) is multiplied by the mirror signal (p), and an unbiased quadrature imbalance estimate Bis obtained at frequency (−f). Using quadrature imbalance estimates, channel estimates, and processed symbols, an imbalance-corrected symbol can be generated.

Channel Estimation Using Frequency Smoothing

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US Patent:
8081695, Dec 20, 2011
Sep 11, 2007
Appl. No.:
Rabih Chrabieh - San Diego CA, US
Samir S. Soliman - San Diego CA, US
QUALCOMM, Incorporated - San Diego CA
International Classification:
H04L 23/02
H04L 27/36
H04L 27/38
US Classification:
375261, 375295, 375316
A system and method are provided for supplying a frequency-smoothed communications training signal. The method generates a frequency-smoothed unbiased training signal in a quadrature modulation transmitter. The frequency-smoothed unbiased training signal includes a plurality of pilot signal products, where each pilot signal product includes complex plane information represented by a reference frequency subcarrier, multiplying complex plane information represented by mirror frequency subcarrier. The sum of the plurality of pilot signal products is equal to zero. The method supplies the frequency-smoothed unbiased training signal so that it may be transmitted within a single symbol period. System and methods are also provided for using a frequency-smoothed training signal in the calculation of a receiver channel estimate.

Method And Apparatus For Implementing Task Management Of Computer Operations

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US Patent:
8161453, Apr 17, 2012
Nov 15, 2005
Appl. No.:
Rabih Chrabieh - San Diego CA, US
International Classification:
G06F 9/44
US Classification:
717106, 717117, 717120
A development and runtime framework for applications that execute in real-time operating systems. Application development is enhanced through simple instructions that allow a programmer to declare functions and sets of functions as tasks and supertasks, respectively, and manage the execution of functions, tasks and supertasks with priorities. A compiler or pre-processor provides tools for generating the code for tasks and supertasks, and the management code for managing execution. Function calls may be made directly to functions within supertasks via respective entrypoints, and the tasks are managed based on the functions being invoked. Within a supertask, a higher priority function may be runnable while a lower priority function of that supertask is suspended. A cookie is used to recognize when a register update for a supertask may be omitted, enabling more efficient context switching.

Method And Apparatus For Implementing Priority Management Of Computer Operations

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US Patent:
8166483, Apr 24, 2012
Aug 5, 2005
Appl. No.:
Rabih Chrabieh - San Diego CA, US
International Classification:
G06F 9/46
G06F 9/44
US Classification:
718103, 717101, 717120
A development framework and runtime environment for applications that execute in real-time operating systems. Application development is enhanced by providing simple instructions that allow a programmer to declare any function as a function managed with priority. Compiler tools implement priority function and the management code for managing execution at runtime. At runtime, priority functions are managed based on their respective priority level. The priority function information is stored when execution is to be delayed.
Rabih Chrabieh from San Diego, CA, age ~54 Get Report