US Patent:
20030069054, Apr 10, 2003
Joseph D'Aurora - Canton OH, US
Jon Garaux - East Sparta OH, US
Douglas Garaux - East Sparta OH, US
Peter Lampard - Canton OH, US
International Classification:
A gaming simulation program providing for user selection of gaming and betting strategies is disclosed. Games which may be simulated by the disclosed invention include war, blackjack, poker, keno, baccarat, etc. The program includes a gaming module and a simulation module. The gaming module allows the user to input a gaming strategy, a betting strategy, a playing mode, a number of iterations of the simulation and a speed of the simulations. The playing modes include single hand mode, automatic mode and session mode. The simulation module executes the simulation of the number of game iterations provided by the user to the gaming module. The gaming program may also include a statistics module which compiles and displays statistics of a game during and at the conclusion of a simulation.