US Patent:
20190317770, Oct 17, 2019
- Madison WI, US
Anthony Nowatzki - Los Angeles CA, US
Vinay Gangadhar - Madison WI, US
Preyas Shah - Madison WI, US
Newsha Ardalani - Santa Clara CA, US
SimpleMachines Inc. - Madison WI
International Classification:
G06F 9/38
G06F 9/50
G06F 9/48
G06F 9/30
According to some embodiments, a dataflow accelerator comprises a control/command core, a scratchpad and a coarse grain reconfigurable array (CGRA). The scratchpad comprises a write controller to transmit data to an input vector port interface and to receive data from the input vector port interface. The CGRA receives data from the input vector port interface where the CGRA comprising a plurality of interconnects and a plurality of functional units.