
Murali Madhav Menon

from Northridge, CA
Age ~57

Murali Menon Phones & Addresses

  • 9009 Whitaker Ave, North Hills, CA 91343 (818) 893-9808
  • Northridge, CA
  • Miami, FL
  • Santa Monica, CA
  • Somerville, MA
  • Seattle, WA
  • Tucson, AZ
  • Fullerton, CA

Professional Records

Lawyers & Attorneys

Murali Menon Photo 1

Murali M. Menon, Santa Monica CA - Lawyer

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Storm Consultancy
Po Box 469, Santa Monica, CA 90406
(310) 804-5126 (Office)
Massachusetts - Active 1997
Murali Menon Photo 2

Murali Madhav Menon, Santa Monica CA - Lawyer

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Storm Consultancy
Po Box 469, Santa Monica, CA 90406
(310) 804-5126 (Office)
California - Active 2004
University of Arizona College of Law
Occidental College
Business - 100%
Murali Menon Photo 3

Murali Menon - Lawyer

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Promenon Health Products, Inc.
Business Law
Import and Export Law
Labor & Employment
Trusts & Estates
Occidental College, A.B., 1990; University of Miami, M.B.A.
Law School:
University of Arizona, J.D., 1994
Murali Menon Photo 4

Murali Menon, North Hills CA - Lawyer

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Promenon Health Products, Inc.
9009 Whitaker Ave., North Hills, CA
Import and Export Law
Employment Law
University of Miami, M.B.A.
Law School:
University of Arizona, J.D.
Murali Menon Photo 5

Murali Menon, Los Angeles CA - Lawyer

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9009 Whitaker Ave, Los Angeles, CA 91343
21 years
California (2004)
Law School:
Univ of Arizona COL
Occidental Coll, Undergraduate Degree
Univ of Arizona COL, Law Degree
California State Bar (2004)



Murali Menon Photo 6

Murali Menon

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Murali Menon Photo 7

Murali Menon

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Murali Menon Photo 8

Murali Menon

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Greater Los Angeles Area
Commercial Real Estate

Business Records

Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Murali Madhav Menon
PO Box 280442, Northridge, CA 91328
Murali Menon
Chief Technology Officer, Founder
Clinicalbox, Inc
Custom Computer Programming Services, Nsk
135 Beaver St, Waltham, MA 02452
Murali Menon
Chief Technology Officer
Gemvara Inc
Commercial Nonphysical Research
92 Hayden Ave, Lexington, MA 02421


Us Patents

Beam-Steering And Beam-Forming For Wideband Mimo/Miso Systems

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US Patent:
6940917, Sep 6, 2005
Aug 27, 2002
Appl. No.:
Murali Paravath Menon - Waltham MA, US
John W. Ketchum - Harvard MA, US
Mark Wallace - Bedford MA, US
Jay Rod Walton - Carlisle MA, US
Steven J. Howard - Harvard MA, US
Qualcomm, Incorporated - San Diego CA
International Classification:
US Classification:
Techniques to perform beam-steering and beam-forming to transmit data on a single eigenmode in a wideband multiple-input channel. In one method, a steering vector is obtained for each of a number of subbands. Depending on how the steering vectors are defined, beam-steering or beam-forming can be achieved for each subband. The total transmit power is allocated to the subbands based on a particular power allocation scheme (e. g. , full channel inversion, selective channel inversion, water-filling, or uniform). A scaling value is then obtained for each subband based on its allocated transmit power. Data to be transmitted is coded and modulated to provide modulation symbols. The modulation symbols to be transmitted on each subband are scaled with the subband's scaling value and further preconditioned with the subband's steering vector. A stream of preconditioned symbols is then formed for each transmit antenna.

Beam-Steering And Beam-Forming For Wideband Mimo/Miso Systems

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US Patent:
7194040, Mar 20, 2007
Jul 18, 2005
Appl. No.:
Murali Paravath Menon - Waltham MA, US
John W. Ketchum - Harvard MA, US
Mark Wallace - Bedford MA, US
Jay Rod Walton - Carlisle MA, US
Steven J. Howard - Harvard MA, US
Qualcomm Incorporated - San Diego CA
International Classification:
H04K 1/10
H04L 27/28
US Classification:
Techniques to perform beam-steering and beam-forming to transmit data on a single eigenmode in a wideband multiple-input channel. In one method, a steering vector is obtained for each of a number of subbands. Depending on how the steering vectors are defined, beam-steering or beam-forming can be achieved for each subband. The total transmit power is allocated to the subbands based on a particular power allocation scheme (e. g. , full channel inversion, selective channel inversion, water-filling, or uniform). A scaling value is then obtained for each subband based on its allocated transmit power. Data to be transmitted is coded and modulated to provide modulation symbols. The modulation symbols to be transmitted on each subband are scaled with the subband's scaling value and further preconditioned with the subband's steering vector. A stream of preconditioned symbols is then formed for each transmit antenna.

Signal Quality Estimator

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US Patent:
8144814, Mar 27, 2012
May 18, 2007
Appl. No.:
Murali Paravath Menon - Somerville MA, US
Mark S. Wallace - Bedford MA, US
QUALCOMM Incorporated - San Diego CA
International Classification:
H03D 3/00
H03K 9/06
US Classification:
Techniques for estimating signal quality in a communication system are described. Scaled errors are obtained for inphase (I) and quadrature (Q) components of detected symbols. The scaled errors are determined based on a first function having higher resolution for small errors than large errors between the detected symbols and nearest modulation symbols. The first function may be a square root function or some other function that can provide good resolution for both low and high SNRs. The scaled errors for the I and Q components are combined to obtain combined scaled errors, which are averaged to obtain an average scaled error. A signal quality estimate is then determined based on the average scaled error and in accordance with a second function having non-linearity to compensate for the first function.

Layered Personalization

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US Patent:
8194069, Jun 5, 2012
May 19, 2011
Appl. No.:
Grant Thomas-Lepore - Newton MA, US
Iwao Hatanaka - Acton MA, US
Murali Menon - Lexington MA, US
Gemvara, Inc. - Boston MA
International Classification:
G06T 15/00
G06T 17/00
G09G 5/00
G06F 3/00
US Classification:
345420, 345419, 345619, 715700
A computer system includes a three-dimensional model of an object such as a piece of jewelry. The model is divided into multiple layers, each of which contains one or more components of the object. Each layer is associated with one or more attribute types, each of which is associated with a corresponding plurality of possible attribute values. The system pre-renders each layer with each possible attribute type and each possible attribute value for that type and layer. The resulting layer renderings may be combined with each other to produce personalized renderings of the entire object without the need to pre-render all possible combinations of attribute values. Responsibility for rendering the layers and the final complete object personalization may be divided between client and server in a variety of ways to increase efficiency.

Layered Personalization

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US Patent:
20100169059, Jul 1, 2010
Jan 7, 2010
Appl. No.:
Grant Thomas-Lepore - Newton MA, US
Iwao Hatanaka - Acton MA, US
Murali Menon - Lexington MA, US
International Classification:
G06F 17/50
G06F 3/048
US Classification:
703 1, 715849
A computer system includes a three-dimensional model of an object such as a piece of jewelry. The model is divided into multiple layers, each of which contains one or more components of the object. Each layer is associated with one or more attribute types, each of which is associated with a corresponding plurality of possible attribute values. The system pre-renders each layer with each possible attribute type and each possible attribute value for that type and layer. The resulting layer renderings may be combined with each other to produce personalized renderings of the entire object without the need to pre-render all possible combinations of attribute values. Responsibility for rendering the layers and the final complete object personalization may be divided between client and server in a variety of ways to increase efficiency.

Layered Personalization

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US Patent:
20120327084, Dec 27, 2012
Apr 25, 2012
Appl. No.:
Grant Thomas-Lepore - Newton MA, US
Iwao Hatanaka - Acton MA, US
Murali Menon - Lexington MA, US
International Classification:
G06T 17/00
US Classification:
A computer system includes a three-dimensional model of an object such as a piece of jewelry. The model is divided into multiple layers, each of which contains one or more components of the object. Each layer is associated with one or more attribute types, each of which is associated with a corresponding plurality of possible attribute values. The system pre-renders each layer with each possible attribute type and each possible attribute value for that type and layer. The resulting layer renderings may be combined with each other to produce personalized renderings of the entire object without the need to pre-render all possible combinations of attribute values. Responsibility for rendering the layers and the final complete object personalization may be divided between client and server in a variety of ways to increase efficiency.

Pattern Recognition System With Statistical Classification

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US Patent:
57039640, Dec 30, 1997
May 6, 1996
Appl. No.:
Murali M. Menon - Woburn MA
Eric R. Boudreau - Leominster MA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge MA
International Classification:
G06K 962
US Classification:
A pattern recognition system is described. During training, multiple training input patterns from multiple classes of subjects are grouped into clusters within categories by computing correlations between the training patterns and present category definitions. After training, each category is labeled in accordance with the peak class of patterns received within the cluster of the category. If the domination of the peak class over the other classes in the category exceeds a preset threshold, then the peak class defines the category. If the contrast does not exceed the threshold, then the category is defined unknown. The class statistics for each category are stored in the form of a training class histogram for the category. During testing, frames of test data are received from a subject and are correlated with the category definitions. Each frame is associated with the training class histogram for the closest correlated category.

Massively Parallel Image Restoration With Preservation Of Sharp Boundaries

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US Patent:
56470282, Jul 8, 1997
Jun 7, 1995
Appl. No.:
Murali M. Menon - Watertown MA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge MA
International Classification:
G06K 940
US Classification:
An image restoration apparatus for reconstructing an actual image from a measurement field image containing noise, the apparatus including means for storing image data for a restoration field; means for storing the measurement field image; means for solving a dynamical system equation for the image data, wherein the dynamical system equation is based on an energy function for a system made up of a restoration field variable and the measurement field image, wherein the energy function contains a surround term E. sub. s which represents local interactions within the restoration field, and wherein the local interactions are characterized by sigmoid-like functions.
Murali Madhav Menon from Northridge, CA, age ~57 Get Report