
Mordechai Montag Phones & Addresses

  • Rochester, NY
  • East Norwich, NY
  • Plainview, NY


Us Patents

Hydrostatic Gas Bearing Systems

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US Patent:
39738108, Aug 10, 1976
Oct 23, 1974
Appl. No.:
Mordechai Montag - Plainview NY
International Classification:
F16C 1700
US Classification:
308 9
A hydrostatic gas bearing system where members are frictionlessly movable relative to each other and where the stabilizing and confining preload force holding said members to movement in a predetermined direction is transmitted through a gas film by floating pads that maintain virtually constant gas film thickness regardless of pressure and which by their floating action compensate for limited dimensional inaccuracies in said members.
Mordechai H Montag from Rochester, NYDeceased Get Report