US Patent:
20200295715, Sep 17, 2020
- Chicago IL, US
Michael Gambuzza - Boston MA, US
International Classification:
H03F 3/08
H03M 1/66
H03K 5/24
An amplifier circuit may include an isolated amplifier circuit, disposed on a high voltage side of the amplifier circuit, and arranged to generate an isolated output signal. The amplifier circuit may include a first optocoupler circuit, disposed to receive the isolated output signal from the isolated amplifier circuit and an output amplifier circuit, disposed on a low voltage side of the amplifier circuit, and coupled to receive an optical output signal from the optocoupler circuit. The amplifier circuit may also include a calibration circuit, coupled to the output amplifier circuit, to generate a calibration initiation signal, and a second optocoupler circuit, disposed to receive the calibration initiation signal, and to output a switch signal, wherein a reference voltage is output to the isolated amplifier circuit.