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Having grown up in the Swiss Alps with his father Nedwell and mother Heidi, Charlie went on several camping trips at the age of twelve. These were not ordinary camping trips, however, as they allowed Nedwell to teach Charlie about life. It is there that Charlie encountered animals that ultimately ch...
Michael Catalano
Kindle Edition
Rufus Publishing
A captivating novel (based on a true story). In the early 1980s, two spectacular mosaics were stolen from Art Termini s home near Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The FBI, along with local and state police, tried in vain to find the thief. This lively novel is based on this yet unsolved mystery. Follow Art fro...
Joseph Catalano, Michael Skubal
Three Towers Press (an imprint of HenschelHAUS Publishing)
Charlie grew up in the Swiss Alps with his father Nedwell and mother Heidi. At age twelve, Nedwell takes him camping, but not on ordinary camping trips. Nedwell taught Charlie about life. Charlie encounters animals that ultimately change his life. Charlie’s father passes away, leaving him as the man...
Michael Catalano
Kindle Edition
Rufus Publishing
After completing the first book in The Zen Turtle series, I was filled with a huge feeling of accomplishment. I read the book several times in the weeks after its completion and then one day, while I was lying on the floor at the gym exhausted from doing abdomen exercises, I had a revelation. The Ze...
Michael Catalano
Kindle Edition
Rufus Publlishing
The idea of a CHIMERA is as old as our ancient legends.Greek mythology depicts animal hybrid creatures with the head of a lion and a goat with a snakehead on the tail. Is something like that biologically possible beyond someone’s creative imagination? The answer is no. Even in modern children’s fict...
Robert Catalano
Kindle Edition
MDR Technical Resources
Michael Catalano
Kindle Edition
Michael Catalano