Frederick C. Alpers - Ridgecrest CA
Mervyn C. Hoover - Ridgecrest CA
The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy - Washington DC
International Classification:
G01S 302
G01S 504
A MICrowave RADiometric (MICRAD) guidance system is disclosed which utilizes an antenna having four beams, designated right, left, up and down. Information from the four beams is monitored essentially 100% of the time by passing through appropriate ferrite cross-switching means to four separate receivers. Information from two of the receivers passes through a first multiplexer and feedback gain balancer to provide a target azimuth output, and information from the remaining two receivers passes through a second multiplexer and feedback gain balancer to provide a target elevation output. A local oscillator heterodynes each of the four receivers in common, and a switch driver couples each of the multiplexers to the ferrite cross-switching means and gain balancers for appropriate selection.