
Kyle Reifert Phones & Addresses

  • 3109 Clermont Dr, Muscatine, IA 52761 (563) 264-1863
  • 1706 Pearlview Ct, Muscatine, IA 52761 (563) 264-1513 (563) 264-1863
  • Sarasota, FL


Company: Frameworks displays Jan 2015 Position: President and owner


School / High School: Muscatine High School




Kyle Reifert Photo 1

President And Owner

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Muscatine, IA
Frameworks Displays
President and Owner
Muscatine High School


Us Patents

Self-Standing Merchandise Frame

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US Patent:
20210007512, Jan 14, 2021
May 29, 2020
Appl. No.:
- Muscatine IA, US
Kyle Reifert - Muscatine IA, US
International Classification:
A47F 5/00
A47F 5/08
A Self-Standing Merchandise Frame is provided for displaying merchandise items in a store and allowing the attachment of multiple racks of numerous sizes, including 24 inches, 48 inches and 96 inches. The Self-Standing Merchandise Frame may be configured with a sign plate, a first and a second vertical tubes, an upper and a lower support and a base plate which structurally support the self-standing of the frame. Dependent on a particular application, the Self-Standing Merchandise Frame could be assembled as a single stand or a double stand. Dependent on a particular application, the Self-Standing Merchandise Frame could be assembled with a table.

Self-Standing Merchandise Frame

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US Patent:
20200383496, Dec 10, 2020
Aug 25, 2020
Appl. No.:
- Muscatine IA, US
Kyle Reifert - Muscatine IA, US
International Classification:
A47F 5/00
A47F 5/01
A47F 5/13
A47F 5/08
A Self-Standing Merchandise Frame is provided for displaying merchandise items on a store and allowing the attachment of multiple racks of numerous sizes, for instance, 24 inches, 48 inches and 96 inches. The embodiment is configured of a sign plate, a first and a second vertical tubes, an upper and a lower support and a base plate which structurally support the self-standing of the frame. Depend on the particular application, Self-Standing Merchandise Frame could be assembled as a single stand or a double stand, without any limitation and restriction.

Self-Standing Merchandise Frame

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US Patent:
20190357700, Nov 28, 2019
Apr 29, 2019
Appl. No.:
- Muscatine IA, US
Kyle Reifert - Muscatine IA, US
International Classification:
A47F 5/00
A47F 5/13
A47F 5/01
A Self-Standing Merchandise Frame is provided for displaying merchandise items on a store and allowing the attachment of multiple racks of numerous sizes, for instance, 24 inches, 48 inches and 96 inches. The embodiment is configured of a sign plate, a first and a second vertical tubes, an upper and a lower support and a base plate which structurally support the self-standing of the frame. Depend on the particular application, Self-Standing Merchandise Frame could be assembled as a single stand or a double stand, without any limitation and restriction.
Kyle W Reifert from Muscatine, IA, age ~72 Get Report