
Kurt Strahl Phones & Addresses

  • 365 Bridle Dr, Rineyville, KY 40162 (270) 769-7264
  • 4 Lonni Ln, Smithtown, NY 11787
  • 817 Iowa Ave, Ft Leavnwrth, KS 66027 (913) 680-1925
  • Fort Leavenworth, KS
  • 5332 Brett Dr, Fort Knox, KY 40121 (502) 942-6662
  • 7359 Camp Caves Ct, Fort Stewart, GA 31315 (912) 877-2493
  • Elizabethtown, KY


Company: Us military Position: Operations and planning management


School / High School: GRANTHAM UNIVERSITY- Kansas City, MO Jan 2008 Specialities: Bachelor of Arts in General Studies: In this program, the student engages in a well-rounded general education. Achieving effective writing skills is a major component of the program, as over 50% of the required courses involve writing for content and persuasion.


Proficient with MS Word • Excel • Power Point and typing / Verbal and writ...



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Kurt Strahl Rineyville, KY

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US Military

Operations and Planning Management

US Military

Human Resource

US Military

Training & Development

Kansas City, MO
Jan 2008 to Jan 2011
Bachelor of Arts in General Studies: In this program, the student engages in a well-rounded general education. Achieving effective writing skills is a major component of the program, as over 50% of the required courses involve writing for content and persuasion.

Proficient with MS Word, Excel, Power Point and typing / Verbal and written communication / Familiar with military rank / Consistently meet deadlines / Time management / Multi-tasker / Self-starter
Kurt L Strahl from Rineyville, KY, age ~57 Get Report