
Adjunct Faculty At Anoka-Ramsey Community College
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Adjunct Faculty at Anoka-Ramsey Community College, Poet at Self-Employed
Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area
Higher Education
Anoka-Ramsey Community College since 2004
Adjunct Faculty
Self-Employed since 1992
Hamline Law Library 2001 - 2004
Public Services Assistant
University of St. Thomas Library 1994 - 2001
Circulation Supervisor
Adjunct Faculty
Self-Employed since 1992
Hamline Law Library 2001 - 2004
Public Services Assistant
University of St. Thomas Library 1994 - 2001
Circulation Supervisor
Hamline University 1992 - 1994
M.A.L.S., Creative Writing University of Colorado at Boulder 1980 - 1985
B.A., International Affairs, History
M.A.L.S., Creative Writing University of Colorado at Boulder 1980 - 1985
B.A., International Affairs, History
Honor & Awards:
Teaching Awards:
-NEA Excellence in the Academy Art of Teaching Award 2010
-Building Bridges Award in Education, Islamic Resource Group of
Minnesota, 2009
-Finalist, Golden Chalk student nominated "Best Teacher" Award,
Writing Awards:
- 2010 McKnight Fellowship for Poetry
- What Light ( poetry competition winner, 2009
- Writer-in-Residence, Banfill-Locke Center for the Arts, 2008-2009
- SASE/Jerome Grant recipient, poetry, 2007
- Inclusion in 150 Lives That Make a Difference, Hamline University
book profiling “extraordinary individuals who have been part of
Hamline’s 150 year history”. 2005
- Loft Literary Center Career Initiative Grant recipient, poetry, 2003
- Minnesota State Arts Board Poetry Fellowship recipient, 2002
- First Place, St. Paul Capital City "Writers on Time" poetry
contest, 2000
- Graduate Liberal Studies Alumnus of the Year, Hamline
- Creative Thesis of the Year, Hamline University, 1994