Mahshad Koohgoli - Ottawa, CA
Sorin Cohn-Sfetcu - Ottawa, CA
John D. Lockton - Hillsborough CA
Northern Telecom Limited - Montreal
BCE Telecom International, Inc. - Montreal
International Classification:
H04Q 700
H04Q 900
The call set-up technique of this invention is characterized by the use of channel information from both base station and subscriber terminal in determining the radio traffic channel upon which to set-up a new call. Communication between the base station and subscriber terminal is carried out on a signalling channel until the traffic channel is chosen. Calls are set-up so that they proceed on the radio channel which, of a set of channels under consideration by the subscriber terminal, contains the least amount of interference as measured at the subscriber terminal. The set of channels under consideration by the subscriber terminal is a subset of the entire set of channels allocated to the service. This subset is made up of those channels having little interference, as measured by the base station, and which, additionally, are not reserved exclusively for stationary, fixed-allocation services in the geographic location of the base station. The call set-up technique thereby assures that calls proceed on channels containing little interference from the viewpoints of both base station and subscriber terminal.