He went through the events of Jill Meagher's last night, last September. How she'd been out with friends from the ABC for drinks and how Bayley had come across her in the street in Melbourne's northern suburbs, followed her and then dragged her into a laneway and attacked her.
As we know, Bayley was released on parole in 2010 and as the judge pointed out he offended again almost immediately, attacking a man in Geelong. We know that he was convicted of that offence and then bailed, and of course as we know went on to murder Jill Meagher.
SAMANTHA DONOVAN: Yes, they were, Eleanor. Jill Meagher's husband, her parents and her brother were all in court. The court was packed. It's one of the very ornate courts in the Victorian Supreme Court building. The public gallery is upstairs.
Sam, we heard him just say that he's satisfied with this sentence - justice has been done. But Bayley was on parole when he murdered Jill Meagher. Was there much argument in court about whether he should have been marked never to be released?
So if someone cannot learn from this tragic, tragic outcome of the Jill Meagher case, then we as a community are lost completely and we are morally bankrupt and ineptitude as a community if we cannot learn from this?