- Houston TX, US
Charles G. Kibbe - New Iberia LA, US
Jerrod B. Olivier - New Iberia LA, US
Christopher M. Biggerstaff - Houston TX, US
Black Diamond Oilfield Rentals LLC - Houston TX
International Classification:
F16L 15/00
E21B 17/042
A rotary shoulder connection comprising: a box connection, wherein the box connection has a box outer radius, a box counter bore radius and a box inner radius, and box threads having a box thread form cut along a box taper; a pin connection, wherein the pin connection has a pin outer radius, a pin cylinder radius and a pin nose radius, and pin threads having a pin thread form cut along a pin taper to align with the box threads inside the box connection; and a primary shoulder connection comprising: a primary box shoulder at a primary box angle from greater than about 0 to about 15 degrees with respect to a first perpendicular to a box axis at a first end point; a primary pin shoulder at a primary pin angle from about 0 to about 15 degrees with respect to the first perpendicular to a pin axis at the first end point is disclosed. Methods of using the rotary shoulder connection are also disclosed.