
Jeffrey Psota Phones & Addresses

  • 40 Ravine Dr, Hawthorne, NJ 07506 (973) 427-8448
  • 29 Laggner Ct, Hawthorne, NJ 07506
  • Seminary, MS
  • 291 Briarwood Dr, Wyckoff, NJ 07481 (201) 891-8530
  • 296 Briarwood Dr, Wyckoff, NJ 07481 (201) 891-8530
  • Passaic, NJ


Company: Rand Reality Address: 200 Grand Avenue, Hawthorne, NJ 07506 Phones: (973) 427-9337 (973) 557-1549 (973) 427-9338


School / High School: Hawthorne High School- Hawthorne, NJ 1979



Buyer's Agent • Listing Agent • Relocation

Professional Records

Real Estate Brokers

Jeffrey Psota Photo 1

Jeffrey Psota, Hawthorne NJ Salesperson

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Buyer's Agent
Listing Agent
Rand Reality
200 Grand Avenue, Hawthorne, NJ 07506
(973) 427-9337 (Office), (973) 557-1549 (Cell), (973) 427-9338 (Fax)
Purchasing a home is a financial and personal decision. As an owner of JP Home Arama in Hawthorne for 30 years, I understand how important it is to "know" your client. I am fully committed to providing you with the same personalized and individual attention I gave to my customers for 30 years. I will listen to your "dreams" and be responsive to your needs. As a native resident of Hawthorne, I am very familiar with the local community, price trends and home values. I "know" and support Hawthorne as a former business owner and more importantly, as a father. I am a soccer, baseball, softball and basketball coach in town. I am committed to providing you with the guidance and advice you will need to make that "right" decision to follow and build your dream of owning your new home. I encourage you to contact me anytime to answer a question or make a "dream" house become a reality. And, I thank you in advance for giving me this opportunity



Jeffrey Psota Photo 2

Jeffrey Psota Hawthorne, NJ

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JP Home Arama
Hawthorne, NJ
1980 to 2011
Business Owner

JP Home Arama
Nutley, NJ
2010 to 2010

JP Home Arama
Paterson, NJ
1996 to 2000
Property Manager

Jeffrey J Psota from Hawthorne, NJ, age ~60 Get Report