
Jeffrey K Nanninga

from Comstock Park, MI
Age ~59

Jeffrey Nanninga Phones & Addresses

  • Comstock Park, MI
  • 15250 Simmons Ave, Cedar Springs, MI 49319 (616) 696-7615 (616) 257-0880
  • Holland, MI
  • Grandville, MI
  • Belding, MI
  • Grand Rapids, MI
  • Big Rapids, MI


Us Patents

Nanninga Diesel

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US Patent:
20040237913, Dec 2, 2004
Apr 7, 2004
Appl. No.:
Jeffrey Nanninga - Grandville MI, US
International Classification:
US Classification:
The differences in the Nanninga Diesel, as pertaining to any other diesel engine, is The lack of cylinder heads, valves, valve operating mechanisms and camshafts. What is Unique about the Nanninga Diesel is the use of 4 crankshafts, 32 pistons and 16 cylinders In a box configuration. The pistons uncover ports for intake and exhaust, leaving no need For valves, a blower pushes the air through the cylinders and supercharges. The Gear Reduction from the 4 crankshaft gears to the output gear will increase torque by about 7 Times. There are 4 cylinders firing at exactly the same time, one in each row of banks. This puts 2 impulses on each crankshaft during one time of injection. All cylinders fire in One revolution of the crankshafts. To my knowledge a diesel engine of this design has Never been built.
Jeffrey K Nanninga from Comstock Park, MI, age ~59 Get Report