
Jeanne E Kolish

from Little River, SC
Age ~78

Jeanne Kolish Phones & Addresses

  • Little River, SC
  • 608 Charlemagne Blvd, Naples, FL 34112 (239) 793-3316
  • East Stroudsburg, PA
  • 39 Fieldstone Dr, Hartsdale, NY 10530 (914) 428-4714
  • Valhalla, NY
  • Merrick, NY
  • North Castle, NY
  • Smithfield, PA


Us Patents

Cheque Please Wait Or Service Person Summoning Device

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US Patent:
20050151664, Jul 14, 2005
Jan 6, 2004
Appl. No.:
Russell Kolish - Hartsdale NY, US
Jeanne Kolish - Hartsdale NY, US
International Classification:
US Classification:
340815450, 340286090
The abstract summary of the “Cheque Please Wait or Service Person Summoning Device” is that it is an invention which provides a means to summon a wait or service person in a restaurant, cafe or other public place by lighting up in two different ways, that is lighting up either the red LED (light-emitting diode) or lighting up both the green LED and the white incandescent bulb which lies below the cut out words, ‘Cheque please,’ on one surface of the box at the same time, in order to visually and soundlessly capture their attention. The main characteristics of the invention are that the invention has three different lights and the cut out words, ‘Cheque please,’ which may be illuminated, which individually and in combination, through the manipulation of a switch, provide visual signals to wait or service person(s) that their service(s) are wanted, that is, that his or her or their physical presence is wanted at the location of the person who is displaying the invention (the operator) and/or that a check for goods and services is desired at that location. What is new in the art to which the invention pertains is the unique combinations and uses of elements which comprise the “Cheque Please Wait or Service Person Summoning Device,” the three lights, the switch, the battery, the wiring and the box shaped container, and the cut out words, ‘Cheque please,’ on one surface of the box, and which give the device its essential quality of providing a means to summon service or wait person(s) by visually gaining their attention and also to signal to wait or service person(s) that a check for goods and services is wanted.
Jeanne E Kolish from Little River, SC, age ~78 Get Report