
Janine Marano Phones & Addresses

  • Boynton Beach, FL
  • 3606 Alder Dr APT F2, West Palm Bch, FL 33417 (561) 684-9109
  • West Palm Beach, FL
  • 5445 Reno Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 873-1221
  • Loxahatchee, FL
  • Brooklyn, NY
  • 5627 Stomping Boots Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 873-1221


Company: Urban Nest Realty Address: 10220 W Charleston Blvd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89135 Phones: (702) 853-2444 (702) 493-5776 (702) 853-2445


School / High School: Lafayette High School- Brooklyn, NY Jun 1984


Property Management • Real Estate • Leases • Property



Real Estate


Buyer's Agent • Listing Agent • Relocation • Short-Sale

Professional Records

Real Estate Brokers

Janine Marano Photo 1

Janine Marano, Las Vegas NV REALTORĀ®

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Buyer's Agent
Listing Agent
Urban Nest Realty
10220 W Charleston Blvd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89135
(702) 853-2444 (Office), (702) 493-5776 (Cell), (702) 853-2445 (Fax)
I am a native New Yorker, and this coming June 2014, a seventeen year Las Vegas resident. I moved here with my immediate family; my parents moved here first and I soon followed, and I love Las Vegas. Coming from NYC, I especially love the weather, the openness of the streets, the palm trees everywhere, the room to breathe. And I love how the stores are open 24 hours…though in all my years here, I've never run to the store at 3am, but I like knowing I can if I ever need to for some reason. :-) I was a residential property manager for 6 years, and it seemed a natural transition to me to get my real estate license and use my experience to my clients' advantage. I particularly enjoy finding the perfect home for buyers, and bringing joy to sellers when I tell them they've sold their home. It's very rewarding to me, and I love to be able to share in their joy. Through my professional years, I have experienced the many ups and downs of the Las Vegas real estate market, and through that experience, I am well able to educate my clients in the constantly ever-changing market. I am quite familiar with the various needs of buyers and sellers, and when we talk I ask lots of questions, because the more I know about what you want, the more help I will be. I work hard, stay diligent to make sure there are no loose ends, to always ensure a pleasant low-stress real estate transaction. You have many choices to consider when looking for the right agent to help you in buying or selling a home, and even renting. My goal and responsibility is to make that process as smooth as possible. Whether you are a renter, a buyer or a seller of any size residential property, I am here to help you, and am happy to. We are building a relationship that I want to keep for many years to come. And it is true: The best recommendation you can give, is to refer me to your friends and family… You can also always contact me with any questions, 7 days a week; please don't hesitate...



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Janine Marano

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West Palm Beach, FL
Real Estate
Equity Lifestyle Properties, Inc. May 2007 - May 2013
Property Manager
Lafayette High School Jun 1984
Property Management
Real Estate
Janine Marano Photo 3

Janine Marano West Palm Beach, FL

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Equity Lifestyle Properties
Las Vegas, NV
May 2007 to May 2013
Property Manager

Law Office of Janet Trost, Esq
Las Vegas, NV
Sep 1997 to Jul 2006
Legal Assistant P/T

Deloitte & Touche, LLP, CPA's
New York, NY
Dec 1994 to Apr 1997
Executive Secretary

Janine T Marano from Boynton Beach, FL, age ~59 Get Report