In 1975, Ossorio was involved personally with Skakel cousin Georgeann Dowdle and on the evening of the murder he was visiting at her back country home - the home 20 minutes from Belle Haven where Skakel insists he was watching Monty Python with two brothers and his cousin James Dowdle Gerogeanns
When Santos called Ossorio to testify at the habeas trial, Ossorio corroborated Skakels alibi. He said he saw Skakel, two of his brothers and their cousin James Dowdle watching Monty Python. He testified that he chatted with them and watched part of the show with them. If Sherman had called him as
Skakel, some of his brothers, his sister, cousin James Dowdle and a friend all supervised by the Skakel tutor - dined that night at the Belle Haven Club. Returning home at around 9 p.m., Skakel met Moxley and some other teens. He said he and Moxley, his brother Thomas and two other children, climb
At about 9:30 p.m., no one disputes that two of Skakels older brothers and James Dowdle appeared. They ordered the younger children out of the Lincoln. They needed the car to drive Dowdle across town to his home, where they planned to watch Monty Python.
What happened next has been disputed for decades. Skakel claims he got back into the car and drove off with his older brother and James Dowdle. He contends he could not have killed Moxley because he left before she did and return home until 11 p.m. or so, after what some experts believe was the most