US Patent:
20180337861, Nov 22, 2018
Jaime LLORCA - Red Bank NJ, US
Antonia Maria TULINO - Red Bank NJ, US
International Classification:
H04L 12/851
H04L 12/54
H04L 12/861
H04L 12/841
Various embodiments relate to a method and apparatus for performing dynamic computing network control where at each timeslot t, each node i is configured to observe a set of local queue backlogs where the local queue backlogs indicate the packet build-up of each commodity at node i and at its potential receivers (RXs), the method including steps of performing local transmission decisions, including computing, for each of commodity (d, m) and each receiving node j, a differential backlog weight, where d is a destination, m is a function, and j is an integer index indicating a specific receiving node, computing, for each transmission resource allocation choice, a metric value for each commodity, computing an optimal number of allocation resource units to allocate and an optimal commodity to transmit, transmitting the optimal commodity by allocating the allocation resource units when the metric value is greater than 0 and determining at least one of the potential RXs which will retain information associated with the transmitted optimal commodity.