US Patent:
20160328410, Nov 10, 2016
- Washington DC, US
Daniel Q. Duffy - Gambrills MD, US
Glenn S. Tamkin - Silver Spring MD, US
Mark McInerney - Chevy Chase MD, US
Denis Nadeau - Baltimore MD, US
John H. Thompson - Fairfax Station VA, US
Scott Sinno - Atlanta GA, US
Savannah L. Strong - Stevensville MD, US
International Classification:
G06F 17/30
H04L 29/08
A system, method and computer-readable storage devices for providing a climate data persistence service. A system configured to provide the service can include a climate data server that performs data and metadata storage and management functions for climate data objects, a compute-storage platform that provides the resources needed to support a climate data server, provisioning software that allows climate data server instances to be deployed as virtual climate data servers in a cloud computing environment, and a service interface, wherein persistence service capabilities are invoked by software applications running on a client device. The climate data objects can be in various formats, such as International Organization for Standards (ISO) Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model Submission Information Packages, Archive Information Packages, and Dissemination Information Packages. The climate data server can enable scalable, federated storage, management, discovery, and access, and can be tailored for particular use cases.