
Ernest Hetherington Phones & Addresses

  • 845 Kingsley Dr, Arcadia, CA 91007 (626) 447-8418 (626) 447-9825
  • Temple City, CA


Us Patents

Orchid Laeliocattleya Ballet Folklorico `Eloquence`

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US Patent:
PP68306, Jun 6, 1989
Feb 17, 1987
Appl. No.:
Ernest E. Hetherington - Arcadia CA
Stewart Orchids - Carpinteria CA
International Classification:
A01H 500
US Classification:
Plt 68
A new and distinct variety of orchid, more particularly a Laeliocattleya hybrid plant having flowers of large size and clear coloring with flowers erectly carried on strong sprays. The new variety is distinct from siblings of its grex by its outstanding vigorous plant structure as well as frequency and freedom of bloom. Of primary note with this cultivar is its freedom from disease and tolerance to lower growing temperatures which permits it to be grown out of doors in many areas.

Blc. Mem. Ralph Placentia C.v. Toreador

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US Patent:
PP72800, Jul 24, 1990
Nov 25, 1988
Appl. No.:
Ernest Hetherington - Arcadia CA
Stewart Orchids - Carpinteria CA
International Classification:
A01H 500
US Classification:
Plt 68
A new and distinct variety of orchid and more particularly a Brasso-laeliocattleya (Blc. ) hybrid plant which is outstanding and distinct from other orchids because of its superior flowers, which combine a rare coloring, massive size, and strong carriage of flowers on a single stem. The coloring is an exceptionally warm dark rose-purple with a brilliant darker labellum shaded and veined yellow in the throat. The new variety is also distinctive from its siblings in the grex population and similar hybrids by its outstanding plant vigor. The flowers are of exceptional substance with thicker and more rigid petals than siblings of the grex. They are perfectly placed on the stem, with stem superior to its relatives in strength. The flowers have a longer bloom life and are produced more abundantly than orchids of similar breeding.

Orchid-Lc. Puppy Love-True Beauty

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US Patent:
PP47023, Apr 28, 1981
Apr 15, 1980
Appl. No.:
Ernest E. Hetherington - Arcadia CA
Fred A. Stewart Inc. - San Gabriel CA
International Classification:
A01H 500
US Classification:
Plt 68
A new and distinct variety of orchid, and more particularly a Laeliocattleya hybrid plant having flowers of a delicate clear pale lilac coloring. The new variety is distinctive from its parent population by its outstanding plant structure as well as its unusual coloring. The flowers are of exceptional substance (thicker and more resilient petals); they achieve perfect placement on the stem; the stem is superior in strength to the closest relatives; the flowers achieve longer bloom life; and the flower production is also superior to others of the same line of breeding.

Orchid Yamadara Midnight Magenta `Fine Wine` Am/Aos

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US Patent:
PP69841, Aug 15, 1989
Mar 3, 1988
Appl. No.:
Ernest Hetherington - Arcadia CA
Stewart Orchids - Carpenteria CA
International Classification:
A01H 500
US Classification:
Plt 68
A new and distinct variety of orchid. More particularly a quadrigeneric orchid hybrid known as Yamadara Midnight Magenta `Fine Wine` hybrid which is outstanding and distinct from other orchids because of its superior flowers which combine rare coloring, outstanding shape, number of flowers on the stem and excellent plant vigor. The coloring is rich dark burgundy wine throughout all parts of the flower. The new cultivar is also distinctive from its sibling population and similar hybrids by its outstanding plant vigor and reliability of bloom. Its flowers are of exceptional substance with thick and more resiliant petals than related siblings of the grex. They are perfectly placed on the stem; the stem is superior to its relatives in strength; the flowers have a longer bloom life and are produced more abundantly than orchids of the nearest similar breeding.

Orchid-L.c. Trick Or Treat C.v. Orange Magic

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US Patent:
PP61964, Jun 7, 1988
Apr 21, 1986
Appl. No.:
Ernest E. Hetherington - Arcadia CA
Steward Orchids - Carpinteria CA
International Classification:
A01H 500
US Classification:
Plt 68
A new and distinct variety of orchid, more particularly a Laeliocattleya hybrid plant having flowers of rich orange coloration on erectly carried many flowered sprays. The new variety is distinct from siblings of its grex by its outstanding vigorous plant structure as well as richness of coloring of the flowers. The flowers are of exceptional substance which imparts long lasting quality and are well placed on erect strong stems, superior to all siblings of this population. The flower production is also superior to others of the same line of breeding.

Pamela Hetherington Coronation

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US Patent:
PP51543, Dec 6, 1983
Jul 8, 1982
Appl. No.:
Ernest E. Hetherington - Arcadia CA
Fred A. Stewart Inc. - San Gabriel CA
International Classification:
A01H 500
US Classification:
Plt 68
A new and distinct variety of orchid, and more particularly a Brasso-laeliocattleya (Blc. ) hybrid plant which is outstanding and distinct from other orchids because of its superior flowers, which combine a rare coloring, massive size, and profusion of flowers on a single stem. The coloring is mostly a delicate lilac-rose surrounding a central white and yellow area, as specifically described hereinafter. The new variety is also distinctive from its parent population and similar hybrids by its outstanding plant structure. Its flowers are of exceptional substance (thicker and more resilient petals than related plants); they are perfectly placed on the stem; the stem is superior to its relatives in strength; the flowers have a longer bloom life, and are produced more abundantly than orchids of the nearest similar breeding.

Orchid `Pink Dawn`

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US Patent:
PP81914, Mar 30, 1993
Apr 8, 1991
Appl. No.:
Ernest E. Hetherington - Arcadia CA
Stewart Orchids - Carpenteria CA
International Classification:
A01H 500
US Classification:
Plt 873
A new and distinct variety of orchid, more particularly a Cymbidium hydrid cultivar plant having flowers of large size and clear color with flowers erectly carried and well spaced on strong sprays. The new variety is distinct from siblings of its grex by its outstanding vigorous growth habit as well as frequency and freedom of bloom. Of primary note with this cultivar is its great vigor, compact growth habit and freedom of bloom and season which makes it extremely useful as a producer of Cymbidium flowers for the florist market.

Orchid-Slc. Precious Stones-True Beauty

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US Patent:
PP47015, Apr 28, 1981
Apr 15, 1980
Appl. No.:
Ernest E. Hetherington - Arcadia CA
Fred A. Stewart Inc. - San Gabriel CA
International Classification:
A01H 500
US Classification:
Plt 68
A new and distinct variety of orchid, and more particularly, a Sophrolaeliocattleya hybrid (herein abreviated Slc. ) having dwarf growth habit and flowers of a red color. The new variety is distinctive from its parents, and from plants of the same hybrid population, and from other red flowered orchids, by the compact growth habit, free-blooming habit, and clear red color.
Ernest E Hetherington from Arcadia, CADeceased Get Report