Edwin K. Hillman - Phoenix AZ
International Classification:
F24J 302
F24H 700
Apparatus is disclosed for utilizing the energy of the sun to heat a rotatable round metal tank. The tank is cradled upon two sets of wheels, of which one set of wheels is powered by an electric motor. The tank is placed in horizontal position upon the two sets of wheels which are near ground level. The round metal tank is constructed with a divider/separator to form two separate compartments to hold or contain liquid and/or air. On the horizontal extremities of the round metal tank are outlet openings and inlet openings for the passage of liquid/air to move through the separate compartments. Adjacent and flanking the round metal tank are deflectors to concentrate Solar energy toward the round rotatable metal tank. Arcing over the round metal tank is a transparent cover to aid in the heat retention during and after the round tank is heated by Solar energy. The inlet openings and outlet openings are placed close to the divider/separator and also close to the peripheral area of the metal tank.