Edward H. Lechner - Sunnyvale CA
Steven E. Shladover - Palo Alto CA
Khosrow Lashkari - Fremont CA
Daniel M. Empey - Palo Alto CA
The Regents of the University of California - Oakland CA
International Classification:
B60L 900
An inductive energization system for moving vehicles includes wayside inductors under the roadway and pickup inductor circuits in electrically powered vehicles. A pickup power controller has a switching circuit, including a zero-crossing trigger circuit, a current limiting inductor, and a bleed resistor. The controller provides for fast switching, desirable for closed loop control of the inductive energy transfer system, as well as low harmonic distortion of waveforms, low acoustic noise, and low maintenance requirements. The pickup inductor of the preferred embodiment has rigid metal conductors bonded together into a single member, allowing this element to serve as both a current carrying element as well as a primary structural member of the pickup inductor. The roadway inductor is split into many segments. Sensors in the roadway detect when vehicles requiring power are present, and a wayside inductor segment controller responds to the sensory signals by energizing only those wayside inductor segments needed to transfer power to such vehicles.