
Dwight Brass Phones & Addresses

  • 17 Valley Rd, Beloit, WI 53511
  • Edgerton, WI
  • 1643 Demeter Dr, Freeport, IL 61032 (815) 232-1976
  • Minneapolis, MN
  • Saint Paul, MN


Us Patents

Motor Vehicle Drivetrain Having At Least Two Cnt's And Flywheels

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US Patent:
6955624, Oct 18, 2005
Dec 9, 2003
Appl. No.:
Dwight Stanford Brass - Edgerton WI, US
International Classification:
US Classification:
475193, 74572, 74347
This design is for a motor vehicle drivetrain utilizing flywheel rotation to store energy during the vehicle trip, either storing energy when accellerated, or releasing energy when slowed depending on the vehicle power requirements. At the same time the engine is allowed to operate at a constant RPM and throttle setting, determined by the best thermal efficiency of the engine selected (the engine itself is not a part of this patent application). The continously variable speeds of the vehicle are made possible by the design's transmissions using sintered metal construction, a cogged drive belt, and a pattern of surface protrusions meshing with the cogged drive belt. The flywheels are slightly offset to allow simple gear meshing, and are counter-rotating to cancel out flywheel precession and torque reaction when providing power to the drive wheels. This eliminates any adverse effect on the vehicle's behavior that might otherwise result such as causing the vehicle to spin on slippery surfaces.

Hydrofoil Watercraft

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US Patent:
7275493, Oct 2, 2007
Nov 1, 2005
Appl. No.:
Dwight S. Brass - Edgerton WI, US
International Classification:
B63B 1/30
US Classification:
114272, 114280, 114282
A watercraft capable of operating in hydrofoil mode or ground-effect mode with self-righting retractable V-shaped foil, fiberoptic control systems, and a plurality of aircraft style engines with variable pitch propellers for speed and direction control. The V-shaped foil can be fully retracted into the hull allowing operation in shallow water, and the ability to execute a beach landing. Propeller pitch can be reversed allowing the craft to backup. Each engine and propeller can be controlled individually allowing rotating in-place for precise maneuvering control. The hull is a flying wing, airfoil shape for efficient high-speed operation. Engine nacelles are located on airfoil shaped struts, angled in a V-shape, for self-righting effect at high speed. Fuel tanks are within the nacelles, thus outside the main hull for safety.

Passenger Watercraft Using Three Methods Of Lift; Displacement, Hydrofoil, And Ground-Effect (Wing-In-Ground) Operating Over Water

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US Patent:
20050005835, Jan 13, 2005
Jul 8, 2004
Appl. No.:
Dwight Brass - Edgerton WI, US
International Classification:
US Classification:
This design is for a passenger watercraft that can operate in three modes, displacement, hydrofoil, and ground-effect (wing-in-ground, WIG), over a wide range of speeds up to 150 MPH. It also has the capability of approach and land on a beach due to the unique retractable wing design and reversable propellers for “backing out”.

Housing For Photoelectric Limit Switch Control

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US Patent:
D415622, Nov 24, 1998
Mar 7, 1997
Appl. No.:
Dwight S. Brass - Freeport IL
George D. La Police - Somerville NJ
Sycon Corporation - Lancaster PA
International Classification:
US Classification:
Dwight S Brass from Beloit, WI, age ~81 Get Report