San Mateo, California
Foster City, California
El Cajon, California
San Carlos, California
Redwood City, California
Here... there... everywhere!
College of San Mateo - General Education, Sequoia High School - HS Diploma
Ok... so I am Danielle, I am 27 years old and have lived in the Bay Area, CA (Peninsula) most of my life... before that it was El Cajon, CA (next to San Diego)! I have an amazing family and the most w...
Focusing on making me the best ME that I can possibly be and giving back to others the gift that has been given to me!
Bragging Rights:
UGH bragging? Well I played softball for 16 years, coached girls youth softball all the way up to High School softball for 7 years, have 10 months sober (yes I consider that a bragging right... don't hate), and in the end I am probably one of the most loyal people that you could ever meet!