William F. Ludwig - Oak Brook IL
Daniel S. Mikosz - Arlington Heights IL
Ludwig Industries - Chicago IL
International Classification:
B31C 500
The method of manufacturing shells of plastic material, such as methyl methacrylate, for percussion musical instruments. The shells are formed from flat pieces of plastic material which may be clear plastic, transparent colored or opaque plastic material of one or more colors. The invention contemplates providing an infinitesimal number of color design combinations. After the pieces of plastic material are cut, prepared and fastened together by novel methods, the material is formed into a cylindrical product which is joined at one location to provide an integral shell. By cutting the flat pieces of plastic material in various ways and joining them together, an extremely wide range of different visual designs are produced. The method contemplates forming a novel surface at the edges of the plastic material for adhesively connecting adjacent panels together and also contemplates the use of an adhesive material, such as gluing, which is not deformable until it reaches a temperature considerably above that at which the plastic material is deformable.