Self Employed - Owner (2012)
Self Employed - Ind. Consultant-Southern Living At Home (2002-2010)
Verizon Communications - Various (1986-2008)
Tarpon Springs High School
There is nothing better than spending time with family and friends. I was blessed and allowed to marry my soul-mate and am even more in love with my husband today than when we married. Another blessin...
After working in a Fortune 50 company for almost 23 years, I left a well paying job to follow my passion. I love to help others. Who better to help than people who need to get healthier, just like me.
Bragging Rights:
At 16 months, I fell in the fireplace and should have been burned from head to toe. Instead, my hand and arm were the only items burnt. After more than 20 reconstructed surgeries by the time I was 17, I can use my hand with no constraints. At age of 12, I had an accident that smashed one of my vertebraes, I still have no issues with it. At age 18, I was in an auto accident where the car rolled several times and the driver's seat was shredded. All I received was a scratch on my ear. At age 20, I was shot and the bullet missed my back bone by inches, and let no permanent injuries. I am Blessed. oh yeah, I almost forgot, I am a cancer survivor too!