Cheng W. Kek - Mobile AL
Kenneth A. Salter - Mobile AL
Daniel W. Cravey - Mobile AL
Global Tel*Link Corp. - Mobile AL
International Classification:
H04M 164
A telephone apparatus for providing service to a plurality of telephones located at a particular facility, and with the capability of controlling the connection of calls to such telephones as well as recording selected phone conversations. In particular, control of call connection is accomplisued with access control data that is phone-related and PIN number-related. Phone-related data activates the telephone based on, for example, its location in the facility, time of day and day of the week. PIN number-related data allows access to the phone depending on data associated with the caller to whom a unique PIN number has been assigned. The recording of conversations is controllable based on a comparison of call-related data, particular to the call being attempted, with stored recording control data that may also be phone-related and/or PIN number-related.