
Romance Author
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Romance Author at The Wild Rose Press
Austin, Texas Area
Writing and Editing
The Wild Rose Press since 2007
Romance Author
Author 2004 - 2010
Romance Author
Romance Author
Author 2004 - 2010
Romance Author
Texas State University-San Marcos 1983 - 1985
MsEd, eduation, biology, limnologyAttended in the summers while not teaching Texas Tech University 1966 - 1970
Bs.Ed., Biology/chemistryCommuted;had small children. Did not attend graduation ceremonies because of the double tornado that tore up Lubbock. I was in the class that had our "degrees conferred" by the President through a letter. Twenty-five years later, Tech allowed these graduates to go through the graduation ceremony, wearing red caps and gowns. Again, I could not attend.
MsEd, eduation, biology, limnologyAttended in the summers while not teaching Texas Tech University 1966 - 1970
Bs.Ed., Biology/chemistryCommuted;had small children. Did not attend graduation ceremonies because of the double tornado that tore up Lubbock. I was in the class that had our "degrees conferred" by the President through a letter. Twenty-five years later, Tech allowed these graduates to go through the graduation ceremony, wearing red caps and gowns. Again, I could not attend.
Author of Romance novels, short essays, my blog, church, traveling, grandchildren, Texas History