Cody Herring - White City OR, US Casey Marshall - Central Point OR, US
International Classification:
A23K 10/40 A23K 50/50
A method for preventing rodents from damaging shed antlers is disclosed. The method includes the steps of: creating a mineral block constructed to be placed in a wintering grounds of antlered deer prior to antler cast-off, the mineral block containing at least phosphorus and calcium salts; mixing at least a powdered phosphorus salt and a powdered calcium salt to create a salt mixture; combining the salt mixture with a powdered mortar; adding water to the salt mixture and powdered mortar to produce a wet mortar; placing the wet mortar in a mold and allowing it to dry to form the mineral block; and, removing the mold from formed mineral block. The resulting product may then be distributed as necessary in a specified area where antler cast-offs are present.