CNH Global - Dealer Network Development Specialiast (2009)
Harley-Davidson Motor Company - Coordinator (2002-2008)
Wauwatosa East, Alverno College - Business Management/Professional Communications
Bragging Rights:
Graduated college with two majors in my goal time: four years in 1996 - 10 yrs after I graduated high school. I did this while working full time, getting pregnant with my first child 1/2 way through my junior year (major surprise to my husband and me!), having my son a week after finishing full time summer school and two weeks prior to the start of my senior year and was nominated, tried out and subsequently selected to be the Coordinator of Ceremonies at my May 1996 graduation which was a major honor as I wrote and presented the welcome speech and introduced the honored guests and speakers AND my nine month old son Steven attended the ceremony! Steven's presence at my graduation was a very proud moment of my college experience! July 29, 1998, 12 days shy of Steven's 3rd birthday (we wanted our kids to be 3 yrs apart) had my beautiful daughter, Courtney Elizabeth Themmes